World of Warcraft
Friday, May 22, 2009
Finishing the World of Warcraft Blog
Well that was my final blog of the year so if u have any questions I will be checking my this site approximately 2 times a week and i will hopefully be posting some more ov er the summer break. If not I will be posting next year when I have learnt a lot more than I have before so I will be posting a lot more stuff about Northrend or even more about the raids I last talked about. Speaking of raids I just completed a level 60 raid and i'm only a level 52 and tomorrow and on Sunday I would've done a level 80 raid with a whole bunch of level 80's from my guild and from around my realm known as Dragonblight. The raid I just did is called Upper Blackrock Spire. It wasn't very long but it was pretty hard. Even for a level 80 Death Knight who died because of me. The reason he died is because I got aggravated a higher level and he couldn't handle all of the others who came with him but we all resurrected. But all in all it was very fun. So thats the end of Nathan's World of Warcraft blog.
Friday, May 15, 2009
New Patches, Battle Gear, Raids, Battlegrounds, and Getting Friends/Enemies
The first thing I'll be talking about is the new patch. It's called Ulduar and it's a new place where you can do a new dungeon which it's name is unknown and this is a picture of it.
Theres also some epic equipment which is a tier-8 equipment set which is really good better then any thing else you can get. Theres also a dual-talent specialization which allows you to switch between 2 talents like for the hunter which is what I am I would be able to switch between Beast Mastery and Survival or switch between Beats Mastery and Marksmanship or between Marksmanship and Survival. But the down side is that you have to pay 1000 gold just to get it which really sucks because I can get it at level 40 and I don't have enough gold.
The next thing I'll be talking about is the new battle gear which is going to cost a lot or you will find them in dungeons out in Northrend. I'll name a couple of pieces and give some pictures od them. And heres some of them now Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Culling of Stratholme, Drak'Tharon Keep, and heres the last one Halls of Lightning. Sorry but no pictures are available to you guys so if you want to check the places out yourself heres the website you can go to
Next is the new raids you can do I'll also name some of them to you guys. So here they are Eye of Eternity, Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and heres the last one Vault of Archavon. Now lets see if theres any pictures available of the armour or the maps. Sorry still no pictures available but they all are still under the same sight as the dungeons so you can check everything out from there.
Now it's time for Battle Grounds. I'll be doing the same as the raids and the dungeons so here they all are. Warsong Gulch, Arithi Basin, Eye of the Storm. and thats all I can remember but you get epic mounts and weapons.
Now its time for getting friends the only way you'll get friends is that you be nice and help them with things.
The next thing I'll be talking about is the new battle gear which is going to cost a lot or you will find them in dungeons out in Northrend. I'll name a couple of pieces and give some pictures od them. And heres some of them now Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Culling of Stratholme, Drak'Tharon Keep, and heres the last one Halls of Lightning. Sorry but no pictures are available to you guys so if you want to check the places out yourself heres the website you can go to
Next is the new raids you can do I'll also name some of them to you guys. So here they are Eye of Eternity, Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and heres the last one Vault of Archavon. Now lets see if theres any pictures available of the armour or the maps. Sorry still no pictures available but they all are still under the same sight as the dungeons so you can check everything out from there.
Now it's time for Battle Grounds. I'll be doing the same as the raids and the dungeons so here they all are. Warsong Gulch, Arithi Basin, Eye of the Storm. and thats all I can remember but you get epic mounts and weapons.
Now its time for getting friends the only way you'll get friends is that you be nice and help them with things.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009
New Zone:Northrend
Today I'll be talking about the new zone. It's name is Northrend and it has 10 new factions. there names are IceCrown, Storm Peaks, Crystalsong. Grizzly Hills, Sholazar Basin, Zul'Drak, Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and last but not least is Wintergrasp. In this new zone theres 4 new dungeons and they are Utgarde Keep and then theres The Nexus. Theres a down fall for this place though because you have to have World of Warcraft original version and World of Warcraft Burning Crusade. But theres also an upside you download this extent for World of Warcraft and you can get a Death Knight at level 55 instead of level 70 and I myself am a level 47.5 so I can almost get a Death Knight. And in one of the dungeons here theres a princess that farts on you now how funny is that. And thats all I'm going to write about for today see you all later.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Starting out at Level 1
Today I'll be talking about going from level 1-10 really fast and then finding new zones to fight and level in. Firstly I'll be talking about starting at level1. When at level 1 theres a little story about the race you are theres the Alliance which has the Humans, NightElves, Gnomes, Dwarves, and the Draenie. Then in the Horde theres the Trolls, Undead, Tauren, BloodElves, and the Orcs. It all depends on what race you choose like the Humans start in a little place called Stormwind and if your an Undead you start in a place called The Undercity. If you want to level fast from 1-10 then do all the quests given in the starting zone and your good to go.
If you want to get really good gear at low levels then you should choose the best weapons from the quests and the best armour also. You should also sell anything useless for your character. Like myself I wear mail as a hunter and you can only get that ability at level 40. So what i did was I sold all my leather to the merchants and got around 45gold so I got my new weapons and armour but I didnt have enough so I went to my friend list and asked a level 80 to help me and she did and then I got all of my money from that dungeon and bought the rest of my armour.
Now if you want to join a guild at a low level then watch the little chat box and it will say something like "Dark Radiance is now recruiting level 5+ PST," (please send tell) so you right click on the name that said it and say "I would like to join the guild," and then they will add you to the guild and a little box will pop up on your screen and that will say something like "Katbird invited you to join Dark Radiance," and a little accept box will appear with it and then you should click it and your in the guild and thats all I'm going to talk about for today so see you all later.
If you want to get really good gear at low levels then you should choose the best weapons from the quests and the best armour also. You should also sell anything useless for your character. Like myself I wear mail as a hunter and you can only get that ability at level 40. So what i did was I sold all my leather to the merchants and got around 45gold so I got my new weapons and armour but I didnt have enough so I went to my friend list and asked a level 80 to help me and she did and then I got all of my money from that dungeon and bought the rest of my armour.
Now if you want to join a guild at a low level then watch the little chat box and it will say something like "Dark Radiance is now recruiting level 5+ PST," (please send tell) so you right click on the name that said it and say "I would like to join the guild," and then they will add you to the guild and a little box will pop up on your screen and that will say something like "Katbird invited you to join Dark Radiance," and a little accept box will appear with it and then you should click it and your in the guild and thats all I'm going to talk about for today so see you all later.
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